July 12, 2005

At a Loss

How do you know, given numerous choices that may or
may not match some of these items, which is The One™?

I'm at a complete loss. My life's story and my motto:

"The errors to avoid are those that eliminate opportunities to try again." — Lazar Goldberg
would do well in assisting those who wish to visualize my state of mind.

I'm not desperate for a mate. I'm certainly in no rush to get married,
I suppose, though the thought does occasionally come to me that it'd
be a nice thing to do while I'm young enough to enjoy it. Heh. Of
course, I have a natural longing to get married, it's just severely
tempered by my paranoia of any "permanent" decision.

I'm all for arranged marriages. At least then, if it didn't work out, I
could blame someone else.

Posted by Walt at 06:30 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack